In 2001, representatives from four Philadelphia-based organizations, The Intergenerational Center at Temple University, PBS/NPR station WHYY, AARP Pennsylvania, and United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, attended a conference in San Francisco sponsored by Civic Ventures. The conference was called Coming of Age and explored the “new” (at that time) notion that people 50+ represent a tremendous resource for our country.

On their return to Philadelphia, the representatives from these four groups decided to create an initiative, named Coming of Age, that would provide programs to operationalize what they learned.

Since its launch in 2002, Coming of Age has helped people 50+ explore their future and to connect and contribute through opportunities, both paid and unpaid, in their communities. Coming of Age also provided training to nonprofits on how to build their capacity to capture the energy and expertise of this population.

Over the years, Coming of Age has become one of the recognized leaders in the positive and purposeful aging movement. This has been accomplished through powerful programs such as Explore Your Future” workshops for people 50 and older.

In 2016, PSS officially became the sponsor of Coming of Age, and it is focused on building communities of people aged 50 and older who live with passion and purpose. PSS is honored and excited to advance this vital initiative and to enable organizations across the country to advance this vital initiative.