IF NOT NOW, WHEN? LIVE LIFE! by Dr. Louise Driscoll

by Dr. Louise Driscoll

Each and every one of us is meant to have an amazing life, a successful life, a happy life. Wow. Just wow. Do we believe this? Have we ever believed this? Do we believe it now?

Whether we believe it now, ever have or never have, I am convinced that very few of us realize our own potential for change, growth, even transformation, because part of us believes it just isn’t in our control. Actually, far from true, this inaccurate belief can be very limiting all throughout our lives, especially as we age.

As a life coach, I have worked with clients of all ages, and know that no one is immune to feeling powerless, or having less than optimistic attitudes toward the future. But some attitudes can really limit our ability to create a happy, successful and fulfilling future for ourselves no matter what our age.

Let me give you an example of this. During my “first” career (in higher education), I often spoke with non-traditional, i.e., older students who came to me to discuss the possibility of returning to college to finish degrees they had started years before. We’d go over admission procedures, transfer of previous credits, tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid. They were usually on board with all of this. Then came the inevitable question, “How long do you think it will take me to finish my degree?” And the answer is “about three years.” Suddenly they would look at me with a sad expression, and murmur a bit hopelessly, “But three years means I’ll be 50 years old (or 60, or whatever) before I finish!”

Since this happened all too frequently, I discovered a question that always brought them back to their senses. “So, how old will you be in three years, if you don’t come back to complete your college degree now?”

That usually did the trick. They realized no one was holding them back from achieving something they really wanted, only themselves.

Why do many of us allow beliefs about aging to alter our belief in ourselves and our lifelong ability to find something new, exciting and fulfilling to do with our lives, despite challenges?

What stops us from doing what we dream of doing? Sometimes it’s simply a limiting belief that holds us back. A great deal of successful coaching is uncovering the limiting beliefs that restrict our ability to move forward. This is not only true in our later years, but throughout our lives.

So, I urge you to challenge any belief that limits your potential to achieve something new, whatever your age. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do, and most importantly don’t hold yourself back from trying.

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right”.
-Henry Ford

Ford reminds us that self-confidence is an immensely powerful thing, and that the primary key to getting what you want out of life is simply believing you can.

Do you want to travel, learn a new language, paint, play an instrument, mentor someone, write a book, start a business? Go for it. Your time is now.


Dr. Louise Driscoll, enjoys a fulfilling second career as a life coach, after 25 years in higher education administration. Her passion is facilitating each client’s movement toward positive change in career (including retirement), relationships and life. Trained and certified by the University of Miami and a member of the International Coaching Federation, Louise launched her company, Coaching 4 Results, LLC, in 2010.

For more information visit: www.coaching4results.net