Is it time for Plan B

by Lois Baker

Lois Baker

There are events that come upon us, often quite unexpectedly, that can bring us up short. We can either decide to cope and endure, or we can decide to thrive. We can live in circumstance or we can choose to live in vision. Perhaps you are ready to look around the corner. Perhaps you have said, maybe more than once, there must be a better way. Let’s explore together.

At age 50, after 29 years of marriage, raising two wonderful sons, and working our careers, his in the field of public education and mine in the scientific world, I was invited to attend a seminar to explore a different path. My husband came with me so I would not get lost, as this was before the time of the cell phone’s wonderful mapping service. We did not know we were seeking Plan B, but indeed we were. We became part of a company which believes that if people were clearly given all the information about the financial challenges they face, they would make far better decisions.

They said no experience was needed, other than a high school diploma. They would provide complete licensing and training and hold our hands until we could stand strong on our own. All they were looking for was honest people with a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed. Soon after that evening meeting we were moving forward on our Plan B. Being now in business together did cause us to relearn how to be together – an unexpected challenge. We each had our own careers and interests and now we had to communicate a lot with each other. That was a bit of a challenge at first, but we did it. The need for what we were learning to share and the rewards for learning it well were just too great not to succeed.

After 26 years of building our Plan B, my closest friend for 64 years died in March of 2018. It was time, once again, to rethink my pathway, this time by myself. Of course, I continued to serve the families who had become friends and clients of ours, and to lead our business team. But only recently did the urge to locate, train and develop other leaders completely take hold of my mind. So here is my challenge to you who have read this entire piece.

Is it time for you to explore Plan B for yourselves? Are you willing to learn some new things? Thanks to the use of Zoom, I am now able to communicate with future associates all across the United States and Canada without leaving my home. Here is the question: Are you wanting to explore the “path less traveled” and, if you are, will that make “all the difference” for you? Would you like to set your own hours, work from home, determine what income you would like to earn, bring passion into your life as you do meaningful work changing the lives of other people, make new friends, and, if you so choose, build a business that you can sell or leave to your family, then this may be your Plan B.

If you wish to learn more, call me, Lois, on my cell phone at 610-952-5792. Or email: I look forward to hearing from you.