SuperStar Volunteer Stuart Singer

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After retiring from a rewarding job as a counselor to high school students in a special education program, Stuart occupied his time in the great playground of New York City — he spent time visiting museums and galleries and auction houses; he rode his bike through Central Park; but, after two years, Stuart realized that he needed something more — an inner feeling of satisfaction that comes from helping others.

Stuart did explore several volunteer opportunities until he found his match. He is currently volunteering with the Community Health Advocates (CHA), a program which is part of the Community Service Society (CSS). This program offers a telephone help line which assists people who cannot afford health care and people who have health insurance but need help appealing decisions made by their health carriers.

He also volunteers at two programs run by RSVP, one of the partners in Coming of Age NYC. The RSVP Emergency Preparedness Speakers Bureau is a program which gives him the opportunity to help others prepare for unforeseen disasters. In the RSVP Ambassador program, Stuart can share with others the great satisfaction one can obtain from volunteering.

And, finally, Stuart just completed not one, but two, extensive, intensive Coming of Age NYC Training sessions. He is now fully trained to present the wonderful and informative Coming of Age workshops here in New York – yet another assignment to add to Stuart’s impressive Super Volunteer resume!

Stuart also has some advice for those who have not yet discovered the immense joy and satisfaction one can get from volunteering: “Think about what you want in your life and see if becoming a volunteer can help you reach those goals. You might just be surprised at how much volunteering can give to you”.

CSS, RSVP and Coming of Age NYC are extremely lucky that Stuart is one of our volunteers. His dedication to serve and his and compassion for New Yorkers speaks volumes about what a kind, generous person he is. We are happy to shine an extra-bright spotlight on him this month!

Many thanks to Stuart during this season of giving thanks and all year long.